I used to play alot of multiplayer PC games like team fortress 2,counter strike global offensive,and grand theft auto 4.I normally played these games in a lan party with friends when I was around 15 , there was one game that I always wanted but couldn't get because it always changed the price.I couldn't get it when it was free because I didn't know about the game then...so after a while my temptation's got to me and I tried to pirate it, but most them turned out to be a virus or spy wear.After I turned 19 I was just surfing the internet since there was nothing else to do , then I saw this add that said "GET ANY GAME FREE, NOT A VIRUS OR SPY WEAR"It looked really unorganized like a first grader would do, but again my temptations came back and got the best of me.To my surprise they had garry's mod and this time I came to my sences to check for a virus or spy wear this time.When my computer was finished scanning garry's mod there was nothing wrong with it so I started up the game, but the only function on it was single player witch isn't that suprising since this was a free version of the game.I wasn't able to install mod's ether witch still wasn't a suprise.So I started up single player , but the only map that I was able to join was gm_09_mod, I never heard of the map , but I still played it.When I joined it looke like a run down foster home with white text telling me to open the door of the home.When I opened the door there were no jump scares or anything like that, it was just more white text saying "have fun" reapetingly blinking over and over again.So I spawned a few prop's and tried to make a fort out side the foster home and spawned in a bunch of zombie NPC's and tried to survive waves of zombies.After I died white text appeared saying to go back into the foster home.So I followed order's and this time I saw my player model in a bath tube with blood around it , then the white text said "have fun".I was thinking what the point of this was so I just kept playing this time I killed a NPC of kliener from hl2 and then red text poped up saying"why did you do that for he did nothing to you prepare to suffer".Then pictures of my family poped up  flashing on the screen the next second it was me crying at some ones tomb.I tried to exit out , but I couldn't I called the cops , but they thought it was a joke I unplugged my computer completely and knew some one was coming for me...